About Us

 Welcome to E.G.G.


This morning glory is where it all began for me.  I know it s difficult to believe what does this morning glory have to do with "EmbraceGodsGrace." Simply, I put some seeds into the ground, watered them, and did some weeding, when necessary.  Then, through the course of giving this growing plant some daily attention, it grew so enormous that it began producing purple and blue flowers. One day as I was looking at the flowers that bloomed and saw how beautiful they are, thoughts came to mind about our lives with God.  When we grow in our journey with knowing Jesus as our personal Savior, we can grow enormously like this plant and produce beautiful flowers.  That is my goal for myself and I hope it is a goal for all of us.  (Ephesians 2:8-9) came to mind, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast."


The vision is, to edify, encourage and uplift the Word of God in a tangible way.  Wearing it and adding accessories helps to remind us of God's Word and mediate on it day and night. (Joshua 1:8) Our goal is to help you do that.


We strive to choose high quality products, to your satisfaction, providing a good lasting experience from the purchases off of our E.G.G. website.


For every sale that is made through our website, a percentage will be given to some of the charities around the world

Thank you for shopping with "Embrace God s Grace"